Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Orchid Seedlings

Something to think about:
1) Why are the seedlings grown in a glass bottle?
2) How can you retrieve the seedlings from the glass bottle?
3) When the seedlings are out of the glass bottle, how/ where do you grow them?
What are the growing conditions: growing media, amount of light & water, etc
4) What do you think the orchid will look like in its adult stage?

This is the name of the orchid: Aranthera Chao Praya Fire

Conduct an internet search to find out more and share your findings.


  1. Ernest,Izzac,Nicole,Kong MinMay 25, 2011 at 7:46 PM

    Method)Seedlings usually have a high mortality rate, so unless one has time to rewash the pots when the seedlings die, then do one consider investing in such pots.

    Try not to pull off the dead parts as you may rip the delicate seedling apart - use a clean sterilized pair of scissors instead.Open up the flask to aerate it for a day. This is to enable the flasked plants to acclimatize with the external environment.

    Some choose to skip this step but I am doing this as it is more of a habit.

    On the other hand, in our humid and hot environment, the agar medium may be more prone to contamination when left opened for too long. Line your work surface with newspaper to catch any debris for ease of cleaning up later.

    Lay another 3 to 4 sheets of newspaper in the centre.The purpose of those extra pieces of newspaper is to wrap up the opened flask.Wrap the flask tightly in the extra sheets of newspaper and hold the ends firmly with one hand.With the free hand, use either a pair of pliers or a hammer to knock the bottom of the flask.

    Some flasks are specially designed to have a bottom rim that is thinner than the rest of the flask, resulting in a clean break.

    Some growers wouldl use a glass cutter to score the bottom rim before breaking.When a clean cracking sound is heard, the flask would been broken sufficiently.

  2. we can retrieve the seedling by breaking the glass bottle

  3. 1.teacher puted a jelly like thing to absorb water vapour and the plant will still growing.
    2.We can retrieve the seedling by breaking the glass.
    3.We should grow them in a sunny place with suitable soil,and the amount of water can't be too much.
    4.It will bear pods.

  4. 1.will have water to survive.

  5. 2.I can retrieve the seedling from the glass bottle by covering the glass bottle with a piece of paper,then use a hammer to break the glass bottle to retrieve the seedling from the glass bottle.

  6. 1.Growing the seeds in an orchid flask or glass bottle provides a safe environment for storage and transport of seedlings.

    2. I need to wrap the glass bottle with a piece of newspaper and put it in a plastic bag. Then, use a use a hammer to break the glass bottle to retrieve the seedlings.

    3. We can transfer the seedlings into a porous pot of soil and place the pot in a sunny place. We need to water the plant regularly.

    4. I think the orchid will be fan shaped with red petals in the adult stage.

  7. Whne the seedling is out of the bottle they can in wet place.

  8. 2.we can retrieve the seedling by using a hammer to break the glass.
    3.I put it in a small pot fill with soil and put it near the window.I will water it once a day and leave it in the sun.
    4.The orchid plant will have lots of leaves and will have beautiful flowers growing.

  9. 1)It is to ensure that the plant will be safe.

    2)I can use the hammer to hit the glass to retrive the plant

    3) when the seedling is out, I will put it into one plastic contanier and water the plant daily.

    4)I think that there is many green leaves and full of colours of flowers growing on the stem.

  10. 1) It can make the plant safe and don`t let people strp it.
    2) Break the glass bottle with hammer .
    3)Can grow them near the sun.
    4)I think like yellow flower, the stem inside have millon for seed.

  11. 1.It make the seedlings save.
    2.we can retrieve the seedling by using a hammer to break the glass.
    3.I put it in a small pot fill with soil and put it near the window.I will water it once a day and leave it in the sun.
    4.The orchid plant will have lots of leaves and will have beautiful flowers growing.

  12. 1)It is because to keep the plant safe.
    2)Use the hammer to break the glass.
    3)When the seedling is out I would put it in a plastic container and water it.
    4)It would have a lot of red leaves and flowers.

  13. 1:to protect the plant from danger
    2:use a hammer to break the glass bottle
    3:I will put it where there is sun ligt and put it in a pot of jelly like thing that my scince teacher showed my class

  14. Answers:
    Q1)The seedlings are grown in a glass bottle to find out how are the seedlings going to survive
    without water given everyday.

    Q2) I can retrieve the seedlings from the glass bottle by wrapping the glass bottle with 4 to 6 layers of newspapers.After that,I wear a pair of gloves to prevent from cutting myself.Then, I use a hammer to break open the glass bottle.

    Q3)I will grow them in charcoal and moss.I will give them the correct amount of light and water.

    Q4)I think the orchid will have red petals in its adult stage.
