Friday, May 27, 2011

June Holiday Homework

Maths Reasoning worksheets
Maths Online Activities ( Link @ Class Blog )
Revise topics and concepts taught in Semester 1 ( All Maths worksheets have been returned )

Science Matter worksheet
Science Online Activities

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Orchid Seedlings

Something to think about:
1) Why are the seedlings grown in a glass bottle?
2) How can you retrieve the seedlings from the glass bottle?
3) When the seedlings are out of the glass bottle, how/ where do you grow them?
What are the growing conditions: growing media, amount of light & water, etc
4) What do you think the orchid will look like in its adult stage?

This is the name of the orchid: Aranthera Chao Praya Fire

Conduct an internet search to find out more and share your findings.