Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Art Lessons ( 28 Feb & 7 Mar )

Pupils will be able to:
- identify and analyse dots, lines, shapes and patterns used in doodles
- create doodles using a variety of dots, lines, shapes, patterns and other
- pupils will create a doodle of their name with the alphabet samples given.

(Note: letters of their name can be in combinations of upper and lower cases)
• refer to Perfect Match Art Primary 4 Textbook pages 2- 7
• Teacher’s Guide pages 2-7

• drawing paper
• black markers
• coloring materials

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Performance for Total Defence-cum-Rainbow Day 1

I would like to congratulate 4A for a good performance put up. I enjoyed your performance & I hope the audience did as well. I'll put up the video once it's ready.

I'm also glad that everyone behaved well with myself in the control room and not with you.

I would also like to thank all the parents who helped source for the props and Malcolm (4A) and Issac (4B) for the loan of their toy gun/ rifle.

Durratun, joining Lim Kai Wen and Estella Teh (5A)as MCs.
Our narrators ...

It was slightly after 4 am in the morning, when the Japanese dropped the first bombs on Singapore. People were awakened by the sounds of explosions.
The audience ...
On 15th February 1942, the British surrendered.
Singapore was renamed Syonan-to in Japanese, meaning ‘Light of the South’. This was the start of the 3-and-a-half years under Japanese rule.
The people suffered and lived in constant fear.
What is Jun Hong thinking of?
But we did not give up trying
The war finally ended on 15 August 1945 when the Americans dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thai pupils: Good Bye & All The Best

Today's the last day of the Thai pupils' stay in 4A.
Good bye & all the best.
Hope you have enjoyed your stay here.

The Thai pupils joined Class 4A for Fitness Friday.

Thai pupils with their buddies.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thai visitors

We'll like to welcome the Thai visitors to our school, especially the 3 students who joined Class 4A for the week.

Our New Class Pets: Mealworms!

We are learning about animal life cycles for Science.

Task: Each group was given some mealworms to care for. The challenge is to keep the mealworms happy & healthy so that they'll grow up and reproduce.

~ What do you think mealworms will grow up to be? Will the adults look like the mealworms?
~What do mealworms eat? Do they need water? How do they get their water supply?
~What is their natural habitat? Do they like to live in cold & dark or bright & warm places? What kind of containers should you use to rear the mealworms?

Observing the mealworms in their new home.

Searching for information on the mealworms.

Looking for food to feed the mealworms.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chinese New Year Celebrations 2011

On Wednesday 2nd February 2011, we celebrated Chinese New Year in school.

Entries submitted for the Hongbao Design Competition: Durratun, Salim, Jia Xuan. Congratulations to Durratun who won a prize.

Posters about Chinese New Year at the NE corner

Class photo taken at the NE corner, with our 2 ex-pupils who came back to visit us.