Saturday, May 29, 2010

June Science Holiday Homework

Revise the concepts of the Science Chapters taught in Semester 1

Click on the links in the column on the left to watch the videos/ read the lesson notes. Then complete the online quizzes.

Ch 5: Classifying Animals
Ch 5: Insects ( Butterflies )

Mouldy Bread Experiment
Under construction...Please visit at a later date for updates


  1. Miss Lim,when will be the Mouldy Bread Experiment put up?

  2. Miss Lim,how come I went to 3A Science wikispaces do not have the Mouldy Bread Experiment?

    Kong Min

  3. Mouldy Mystery (Reflection)

    i) State what situation or materials are needed to be kept constant to make this experiment a fair one. (E.g. Does it matter what kind of bread you use?)

    Same type of bread, same size bread, where you put the bread: amount of light , humidity/water vapour, amount of wind, temperature.

    ii) State what can be done to further improve the experiment.


    Jessie Lim

  4. Mould Mystery (Reflection)

    i)State what situation or materials are needed to be kept constant to make this expriment a fair one.
    (E.g.Does it matter what kind of bread you use?)

    Same type of bread at the same place where it got light, humidity and tempreture.

    ii)State what can be done to further improve the experiment.

    Nothing can be done to improve the experiment.

    Kong Min
