Sunday, May 30, 2010

Maths June Holiday Homework

Revise the concepts of the Maths Units taught in Term 2

Click on the links in the column on the left to watch the videos/ read the lesson notes and practise the concepts via the online games. Then complete the online quizzes.

Unit 6: Multiplication
Unit 7: Division
Unit 8: Solving Word Problems 2
Unit 9: Mental Calculations

Saturday, May 29, 2010

June Science Holiday Homework

Revise the concepts of the Science Chapters taught in Semester 1

Click on the links in the column on the left to watch the videos/ read the lesson notes. Then complete the online quizzes.

Ch 5: Classifying Animals
Ch 5: Insects ( Butterflies )

Mouldy Bread Experiment
Under construction...Please visit at a later date for updates

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mouldy Bread Experiment

Do moulds only grow on bread?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

P3 Sa1 Science Revision Paper 1 2010

Question 31

a Living Things
b Non- living things
c Animals
d Plants
e Camel
g Ball
(1/2 m each)

Question 32
Part (a)
A: feelers (1/2 m each)
B: abdomen
C: wings
D: legs

Part (b)
parts (1 m )

*Refer to Diversity TB Pg 48

Question 33
Part (a)
Both elephant and dolphin give birth to their young. (1m)

*part (a) of the qn has an error. …an elephant and a goldfish dolphin
Answer must be based solely on the information given in the chart, not your own knowledge about the animals

Part (b)
Y: Live on land / Land animals (1m)
Z: Live in water / Aquatic animals (1m)

Question 34
Part (a)
A: sunflower (1/2 m )
B: mosses (1/2 m )

*Or any other such plants you have learnt.
0m if you write hibiscus/ rose/ fern, as these are the given examples.
0m for mushroom/ bacteria, as these are not plants

Part (b)
X: Flowers grow in clusters (1m)
Y: Flowers grow in singly (1m)

Question 35
Part (a)
There was not enough oxygen for the hamster to breathe. (1m)

*It’s wrong to say there was no air

Part (b)
She could have use a lid with holes/ wire netting/ She could make holes in the lid to allow fresh air with oxygen to enter the container (1m)

Question 36
Part (a)

He wanted to find how plants respond to light/ if plants need light to grow. (1m)

Part (b)
He would observe that the plant grows towards the opening where there is light. (1m)

Question 37
Cactus: W (1m each)
Mushroom: Y
Goldfish: X
Staghorn fern: Z

*A cactus is a plant that reproduces by seeds. Some cactus flower
Both the mushroom & fern reproduce by spores, but the fern is a plant that can make food and a mushroom is a fungi that feed on decaying plants/animals. A fungi cannot make its own food.

Question 38
Part (a)
Group A: Fungi (1m each)
Group B: Animals

Part (b)
Animals have legs but not the fungi. (1m)

*Like plants, fungi are living things that can move by themselves. However, this movement is restricted. They are fixed in one position but animals can move from place to place. Also, plants and fungi usually respond slowly to changes around them but animals respond almost instantly to changes around them.

Question 39
*Any reasonable answers accepted but the reason must support the answer in (a)
Part (a)
Plastic spoon (1m)
Part (b)
Plastic is a bad conductor of heat so we will not get burnt when we drink the soup. (1m)
Part (a)
Metal spoon (1m)
Part (b)
Metal melts at higher temperature so the spoon will not melt when we put the spoon into the soup. (1m)

Question 40
Part (a)
Measure the amount of water left on each tray. (1m)
Part (b)
Material B could be fabric or paper. (1m each)

Question 41
Part (a)
Metal: Thumbtacks, Key
Paper: Kitchen towel, Newspaper
Rubber: Sole of shoe, Eraser
Fabric: Sock, Scarf

(1/2 m for each correct column/ group )

Part (b)
Rubber.(1m) Rubber is flexible so we can bend/ arch our feet when we run. Rubber is also light so the shoes will not be too heavy for the wearer. (1m)

*When explaining the choice of materials, link the properties of materials to the object’s use. In the unit of materials, we learnt the following properties:
1. Hardness: Is the material hard/ soft
2. Strength: Is the material strong/ weak
3. Flexibility: Is the material flexible or not ( Properties 1 to 3 is comparative. We say that one material is harder/ stronger/ more flexible than another. Please refer to Diversity Activity Book 7.2 )
4. Density compared to water: can the object float in water. ( Different objects made from the same material may not react the same way in water. A rubber band floats on water but an eraser sinks in water even though it is made from the same material. Please refer to Diversity Activity Book 7.3 )

Question 42
Part (a)
String B (1m)

Part (b)
String B is able to carry/withstand more weight than string A before it snapped. (1m)

*This is an experiment to test the strength of strings made from different materials. More marbles means that the container will be heavier.