Saturday, March 13, 2010

Malacca Trip: Day 2 D-Paradise

We arrived at D-Paradise after lunch.

Waiting for Bus 2 to arrive, we looked at some beautiful sculptures

and took some photographs
We saw the Bird Nest Fern

and tasted various fruits.

Do you know what fruit this is? How is its taste? Ask Malcolm and's an acquired taste.

Our mode of transport around the park/ plantation

Cultural show by Aborgines, performed by The Penan. What's happening? What's Andrew doing on stage???

Which animal are we going to visit next? Did you see what I see? It's hiding under the rocks...

What is Balqis eating now? It's freshly harvested from the tree.

A close encounter with the pitcher plant...Who is more surprised, Jun Hong or the pitcher plant?
( Hint: Look at the size of Jun Hong's "O-shaped" mouth & that of the pitcher plant's. )

What is Kelvin eating? Is it tasty? Let's us ask Jun Hong