Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fractions: Sharing A Mooncake

How would you share a mooncake with your group members? What did you learn from the activity?


  1. I cut the mooncake equally so that each of my group members can eat the mooncake. I learn that fraction is useful to our every day life.

  2. I cut the mooncake into equal pieces and share the mooncake with my group members

    Fraction is useful to us.

    Kong Min

  3. I cut the mooncake in four pieces as Veronica and Jia Xuan did not want to eat. I learn that fraction is important and useful to our everyday routine.

  4. Jun Quan need to cut it into four pieces. Firs he need to cut it into half and then another half of the mooncake. Then we shared it by four. Each of us has the fraction of one-four of it. They learn that i can eat the mooncake if it have a halal sign. We learn that it is very important and useful to our routine. I also learn that cutting moncakes is very good beause if right now you don't know how to cut cakes in the correct way you will never know how to cut cakes. Each of us wanted more of the mooncake. The mooncake is very yummy....

  5. According to the number of people in my group, I would divide the mooncake into the same number of equal parts.

    I learnt that fraction can help us understand how much one person has compared to another.

    Posted by Malcolm

  6. I've learnt that fraction can help us to share something equally.

  7. I cut the mooncake into 4 equal pieces as everyone in my group want to eat it. I have learn cutting the mooncake equaly into 4 pieces with a knife is important to us in our everyday life.

    Hui Xin

  8. First,my group had to plan to cut the mooncake.Then,Tracy cut the mooncake into half.She then cut the mooncake into half again.The mooncake now is 4 pieces.We then figure to cut the mooncake.Then,Leon had an idea on how to cut the mooncake.He cut the mooncake into 6 pieces!My group ask Ms Lim to eat the last piece but Ms Lim do not want to eat the last piece.I thought the mooncake was not halal but when I ask Ms Lim,it is halal.I learn fractions are importabt to our life.If we do not know fractions,we also do not how to cut our birthdat cake!!
