Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Holidays!

It's the last day of school for most of you.
Happy Holidays!
Enjoy yourselves & have a good break.

Maths Quiz Winners: October

Friday, October 15, 2010

19-22 October Holiday Homework

will be given on Monday 18 Oct 2010

Science (3A)
- Science SA2 Practice Paper Section B
- Revise the completed assignments in the Semester 1 & 2 Science files
- Revise the completed assignments in the Diversity books

Mathematics (3A)
- Maths SA2 Practice Paper
- Maths Workbook 3B Part 1 & 2 ( All the Review & Revision exercises )
- Revise the completed assignments in the Semester 1 & 2 Maths files
- Revise the completed assignments in the 3A Maths books

Online Holiday Homework
1) Go to the school’s website :
2) Key in your username and password
3) Go to your class portal
4) Click on the various subjects on the left hand column.


A) English

- Scroll down to the bottom subpages
- Click on the following:
P3_EL_3A_Day 1 ,
P3_EL_3A_Day 2
- When done, check your results at the bottom of the page
“You may check your result here”

B) Maths

- Scroll down to the bottom subpages
- Click on the following:
P3_MA_3A_Day 1 ,
P3_MA_3A_Day 2 ,
P3_MA_3A_Day 3
- When done, check your results at the bottom of the page
“You may check your result here”

C) Science

Follow instructions given on the Science Page.

D) Mother Tongue

Follow instructions given on the page under the subject.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Homework: Friday 15 Oct 2010

Maths Workbook 3B Part 2 returned for Corrections & Parent's Signature:
~ Ch 16 Angles
~ Ch 17 Perpendicular & Parallel Lines

except the books of the following students: Hui Xin, Donavan, Yi Xuan, Andrew, Yu Han, Joshua & Keene( They will be returned to the students on Monday 18 Oct 2010 )

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Underground Stem Or Root

Look at some of the vegetables that you are eating? Which part(s) of the plant do they come from? Are any of them underground stems?

Here's a picture of one grown on a plate of wet sphagnum moss:

Lesson on Thursday 7 October 2010

An underground stem also stores food for the plant

Friday, October 8, 2010

Function of a stem

Lesson on Tuesday 5 October 2010

A stem also carries food, water & mineral salts to all parts of the plant.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Underground Root

Lesson on Thursday 30 September 2010

The root also helps to store food for the plant.

Maths Quiz Winners: September

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fractions: Sharing A Mooncake

How would you share a mooncake with your group members? What did you learn from the activity?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jacob Ballas Learning Journey, 21st September 2010

Water Plants

Fantastic Forest

Suspension Bridge

Learning about photosynthesis

Friday, September 17, 2010